Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hooray, Bobby Jindal! Boooo, creepy street flooding.

So yay, we have a new governor. He's young, dynamic and likely only slightly corrupt.

Really, my only beef with the man is that he seems like a zealot...y'know, Mel Gibson-Catholic. By that I mean he has the zealousness of the recently converted, in an almost pre-Vatican II way.

Apart from that, I'm thrilled that he was elected. (Although, I would have been okay with Georges as well...) It's pretty great that in my recently brief lifetime, Louisiana has managed to go from nearly electing a Klansman (cough, David Duke) to electing the youngest and first Indian-American governor in American history.

Here's to hoping he can give Louisiana a shot in the arm.

Oh, and the Saints notched their first home win against the Dirty Birds - and we were there!

On the flip-side of cool is the special little flood we experienced in the metro area yesterday. My car was soaked on the inside yesterday morning, so I took D.'s car to work. Around 1, I received a frantic call from my neighbor, Alita, alerting me that Dryades was flooded, and that the water was over my bumper.


I hopped into D.'s car (which, mercifully, he had raised just prior to his move from SoFla) and headed back towards New Orleans. Airline Highway was flooded into Kenner, so I jumped on I-10...which was also flooding.

Around this time, the city shut down all non-essential functions, and desperate Orleanians moved their cars to the neutral ground in the city. The water on Prytania (uptown/Garden District) was so high, it was lapping at living rooms and offices. St. Charles had about 8" standing at one point as well.


Buuuut...the deluge did usher in very cool weather. Maybe autumn is finally (really) here?

1 comment:

April Elizabeth said...

is it cold in L.A. in the fall? I always thought new orleans was like the equator ::wink, wink::