Sunday, December 2, 2007

Our Christmakwanzahannukah Tree!

We bought our Christmas tree this morning from a tree lot out in Harahan. The tall one gravely stated that he wanted a tree taller than him (he's 6'4).

So we ended up with an 8' Frasier Fir that is proudly and gorgeously sitting in our living room, framed by the very tall windows we have.

We even put up Christmas lights and garland on our porch...that was fun, up until a strung-up crackhead from down the street insisted that our dog had bitten her sister, and that if she ever saw him outside of our yard, she would break his neck. That immediately put my hackles up - I was both angry and scared. Jake wouldn't hurt a fly, and the fact that she had the temerity to threaten him was just astonishing. Man...

Regardless, the holiday season is officially here. And really, it's a great distraction from the larger issue - today, the 2nd, is the first anniversary of my father's sudden death.

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